Sunday, February 7, 2016

Confessions of a recovering Democrat

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    It starts something like this; "Yes you are" followed by, "No I'm not!" In fact, many conversations have begun and still do begin that way whenever someone is either in denial or when another thinks they are. It goes on. I am coming out of denial here to set the record straight (about me) because I think I finally get it. I I have come to the point when I can finally admit that I have been wrong about
something that affects all of us.

    Please keep in mind that I was a child of the '60s, and that's all I can offer as a defense when explaining that since that time I always believed that Democrats possessed the best strategies to keep our country strong by protecting our nation's values while looking out for the working men and women of America. I believed it because I was young and mildly rebellious against the establishment, that by 1969 was controlled by Richard Nixon and people like him. 

    So I listened to young uninformed knuckleheads with very little life experiences, like myself, who all thought they knew what was best for everyone. The protests and the peace rallies looked like fun and I guess for many young people, like me, they were a way of pretending to be grown up while being an easy and exciting forum to be seen on TV. The streets of America was one giant stage where it required no talent to perform, or for that matter, for anything at all and it was an opportunity to dress up in colorful clothing that didn't exactly fit well and raise a lot of Hell, as if we really understood what we were doing.

    Just a few short years earlier we were all playing with marbles in the dirt but suddenly we were as tall as our parents and we allowed ourselves to believe that because we were we must also be not only as smart as them but when it came to world issues and social values we knew more than they did.

    So as the years ticked by my confidence grew and I allowed myself to keep believing in something that was never real in the first place. Back then I wondered, if you can't trust Hippies to know what's best for everyone else, then who can you trust?  It was in our music and scrolled all over our notebooks at school... "Stop The War"..."Peace"..."Down with the establishment!"

    It was there because we believed our generation could do the impossible, and because we were as tall as our parents; it was up to us to work as hard as we possibly could to drive Republicans out of office wherever they were hunkered down and fill our City Hall's and State House's and every Washington office with Democrats that believed what the Hippies believed. They promised us solutions and remedies to all that was wrong in the world and they liked our long hair and funny clothes and our Rock & know...the important stuff!

    "You believed that crap?"  "Yes, I did."

    Then, as more and more years ticked by I realized that I had been duped all along, I had become brainwashed to believe that Democrats, with all of their rolled-up sleeves and crumpled suit coats draped over their shoulders as they stood behind podiums were only Hippies with short hair. Again, if you cannot trust a Hippie to know what's best for you then who can you trust? I believe that when Hillary Clinton was a young girl she wanted to grow up and be Jane Fonda, and Bernie Sanders fancied being  the next Tom Hayden. (They are both living the dream.)

    Now that I am older and have witnessed decades of failure caused by blind faith in Democrats, I am, make that determined to work as hard as I possibly can to rehabilitate myself. It starts by coming clean and finally admitting that I was only as tall as my parents. They knew more than I did when I was trading childhood for more complicated matters and because I lived in their home I was expected to live with their rules. They were the adults and they worked and paid for everything I needed but I believed I should have just as much say in every issue as they did. (After all, I too was a human being! What did experience, knowledge or contributions have to do with anything?)

    I was a young Democrat who allowed myself to grow up and believe that I knew what was best for me and for my country. I was like all Democrats today and I stayed that way until 2015! But then came 2015 and it was like rubbing the sleep from my eyes and taking out ear-plugs so I could really listen to the rolled up sleeves and crumpled suits; actually see and hear what they have been after all along; a nation too weak to resist anything, and flocks of followers believing that a ton of rocks is the same as a ton of silver; either way, it is a ton of something and if we all have a ton (of something) then everyone will be just dandy!

    But if you listen carefully, as I have come to, you might hear and understand what I think I have; that all we have managed to do is kick out our parents and what they believed was important and take over the house. Now it is ours and as Democrats we get to make the rules because we know what's best for everyone! Criminals, no matter how heinous are people too. Those that are too lazy to work for anything are as important to the world as anyone that suffers and prospers through sacrifice. Whatever anyone wants to do, they should be allowed to do, and if it is wrong and hurts someone else then let's seek ways to help them even more, even if it is at further expense to their victims and everyone that pays for everything they have.

    And who pays for that nonsense? Ask the man or woman with the rolled-up sleeves and crumpled suits; the payers should be the children and grandchildren of our parents. 

    Remember our parents? Those older people that just didn't understand the messages and solutions when we tried to explain everything to them when we were young.

    At the end of this day I can only suggest that when a Democrat's mouth is moving we can be suspicious of one thing; they are probably lying. When we see the likes of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders or anyone that supports them or anyone like them; scowling angrily into the cameras, waving their arms and pointing fiercely to imaginary targets as they shout their vitriolic demands, we can be sure of something else; the Hippies that had all of the answers have grown old and have become very bitter people. 

    Maybe that is because it has taken them a half century to turn America into a "music and arts festival"... a nation of followers that still reveres the likes of Janice Joplin and John Lennon as 1960s versions of Abraham Lincoln and God Almighty!

    Democrats and their priorities. The next time Hillary is on stage and gets loud you might see the ghost of Janice, or when Bernie or any other Democrat is performing and trolling for votes maybe they too are only abberations of someone they really aren't.

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