Thursday, February 12, 2015

Paving Your own Road

For a long time I wondered what was really at "The End of the Rainbow", and then after a fair balance of rough times and good ones I finally found the answer. I retired when I hoped I would after twenty years of commercial broadcasting followed by twenty more in law enforcement. I never got the gold watch but my days and nights are spent doing only the things I want to do and the kids are all doing well. 

Here is how I did it, and maybe it will work for everyone who believes it can for them also; take chances and don't allow anyone who doesn't believe in you to take residency in your head, don't seek anyone's approval for something you believe is right for you, don't follow a pack of people who aren't going in the direction you want to go, and above all, don't quit. It really did work for me and here is my dirty little secret; I didn't set any unrealistic goals because 

I knew I would be disappointed if I didn't reach them. I also haven't devised a "bucket list" yet because of the same reasons. Instead, I just do shit and if I get to liking it I stay with it and try to make it as interesting as I can without worrying about whether anyone else gets it. I did find my own pot of gold; it is a million words explaining it all, contained in 21 publications that have taken six years to bring to market and a radio station that is now in its third year and heard around the world via the internet. It is a station that I built from scratch using only my knowledge of broadcasting and a few simple electronics. 

The rest of it simply comes from living and trusting instincts. Oh, that road paved with gold? I haven't found it yet but I believe it is out there somewhere and I'll keep searching for it. Until I find it this is where I am...

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