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America is broken and everyone knows it. After 8 years of bending over to appease the wrong groups (those that contribute very little to anyone else but take more than they deserve) we are in worse shape now (economically) as well as in our ability to function as a peaceful society. This came about when so many people tossed aside our values in favor of trying to be something called politically correct. That in and of itself is a gross clash of terms if you think about it. Most of us agree that politicians rarely pull off anything correctly or anything that is good for everyone.
Instead they bend over when someone pays them enough to, or when any large group raises enough Hell when they are angry and then try to convince everyone else that if they also bend over, then being screwed when they didn't want to be might not hurt as much as it would standing up and putting up a struggle.
Now, in the photo above that mechanic is bending over at about the right angle for liberal thinkers; what they see when they look at it is someone they might believe knows what she's looking for under that hood. What I see is a set of shapely legs and a nice ass, and then I see a pretty cool red Mustang convertible. I see someone that isn't showing me any reason to believe she knows much about fixing cars, only someone who is either curious or who has agreed to pose at a certain angle for a photographer. It is a very pleasing picture, even though her shoes seem a little awkward for mechanic duties.
So I am trusting my own hunch that she really isn't a mechanic at all! Maybe she is, but if so, one thing is very clear to me; she is dressed more appropriately for deception or something else that has nothing to do with getting her own hands dirty.
Right now America is more like that car than it is like that girl to me. It looks fine and so does she, however, looks can often be deceiving. But I am a mechanic and a car with its hood up can suggest one of two things; someone is either admiring what is under it or someone needs to grab a rag and a wrench. I am going on the assumption that she isn't a mechanic and if that motor isn't functioning as it should then someone who is will need to take a look to assess what needs to be done. She may be thinking only how pretty everything looks but there could be a serious problem under there! Much like America; it hasn't been functioning as well as it did before we started caring more about how it looks than we do about what works best for everyone.
I was around when the Ford Motor Company built and introduced that 1966 'Stang and I have owned one just like it. But that was back when America led the world in auto production and Mustangs like this one were common wherever anyone went; some were broken and the ones that were was someone else's problem...probably caused by them! But most of them ran well and those that were taken care of properly are worth more now than they ever were. Like life; when we work hard for something and take care of what have we keep it and don't want to give it away!
This one was made in a small town near Detroit (Dearborn) and not in some other country that has never had America's best interest at heart. In fact, the 2010 Mustang I now own was built on the other side of Lake Erie in Canada instead of in Michigan where hundreds of thousands of Americans toiled for decades to earn a living building them.
There aren't any cars with American brand names on them that are built here using parts that are manufactured here exclusively anymore and many brands assemble some of their models on some one else's shores because the labor is cheaper. But let's forget cars for a minute and not make this post about that; we don't make anything here anymore! More and more of our jobs are being shipped to other countries every day by the same career politicians that say they can fix what is broken here!
Whenever something we once took for granted as freedom is either taken away from us or becomes priced so high that many of us cannot afford it, it is pointed out to us that it never was a "right" in the first place. There is a long list of things we cannot say or do any longer, either because it offends someone else or because we haven't been able to control inflation. Basic health care comes to mind right away. Americans do not have a legal right to it but we should! People who cannot afford to go to a doctor when they should can't go because health care in America has become more about big business than about basic needs and politicians are quick to remind everyone that our bill of rights does not guarantee the right to get well or fix what is broken with us.
Like that Mustang; if something is broken or isn't functioning properly the owner has no right to have it fixed and if they cannot afford it then they have two choices; let it sit, or sell it. Like our country does with most of its problems, or when it runs short on money or sees a path to easy fixes even if they are only temporary. But if we had a good mechanic; someone that could look under the hood of anything, whether it is our economy, our health care system or everything else that keeps us all safe or keeps us ahead of the rest of the world then we would be better off than we are now.
There doesn't seem to be any good political mechanics in Washington anymore and fewer and fewer of them are coming to work every day in State Houses and City Halls. Instead we have only more and more irresponsible drivers and people getting too close to situations they shouldn't, and they break things and then ask for someone else to fix them. Our politicians are more like that girl than anyone that could fix the car if it needed attention, because like her, they dress to impress, they strike poses to entice us and pretend to know what they are doing while listening to people who don't.
Hillary Clinton could do what this girl is doing; it would look gross and it wouldn't be nearly as easy to watch what might happen next so most of us would look away. But that is precisely what Hillary would hope we would do because she knows that would be the best time to do whatever she has in mind to do, even when she doesn't know what to do. Hillary cannot fix what is wrong with America anymore than she could that Mustang! (Trust me, if she were a good mechanic she would have been bragging about that too by now.)
On the other hand, Donald Trump who isn't a career politician like the Clinton family has proven them selves to be, has shown that he is an expert when it comes to using the tools he has at his disposal to get done what he wants done! So I am thinking that if that car were his and needed fixed he would know how to fix it! And like America, it is a beautiful thing but beautiful things break and when they do we call the people we think can make them good again. When it comes to politics that too can be like the difference between a good mechanic and someone that only knows a little about working on cars or someone that only bends over to admire them.
I have known many people that have slipped into a pair of coveralls and grabbed the tools they are familiar with and tried to fix cars they couldn't fix, and I have known several that have been making the same mistakes for years. Their intentions are good but the results are usually bad. So maybe what we need to fix America is a political outsider instead of someone that keeps trading failures for more failures..someone like Hillary Clinton who looks at the country in its hour of need and blames Republicans for breaking everything while Democrats have been driving it for the past 8 years!
She hears the knocks and the pings of its engine and says things are getting worse and we need her to keep turning the same bolts that have been causing our problems for most of this past decade. She has been part of it all along by endorsing and promoting failed attempts at almost everything and by promising to do the same things that haven't worked and never will. She does a lot of bending over (like that girl in front of the Mustang) but at the end of the day all that is gained from it is whatever is in it for her. Trump, I am guessing, is a far better mechanic in this case than anyone else now seeking the high office of fixing and leading America. And I would wager that if he has any vintage Mustangs in his own car corral they all run just fine!
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