"Heartlites Radio" is the brainchild of Len Harrison and Rick Minerd; two former DJ's that never stopped believing that radio can still be a good friend when you only need one to keep you company, or to help you remember good times when you need a little distraction.
Len provides magic touches from Seattle, Washingtton while Rick toils with records and sound equipment in Columbus, Ohio to create what they hope is the best radio you will find anywhere!
With more than 70 years of broadcasting experience between them they deliver something unique that lives somewhere between ear canals and the recesses of memory for anyone that believes the best music ever recorded has been neglected for too long. Bringing it all back with 21st Century technology "Heartlites Radio" weaves through 3 decades of musical changes that you probably enjoyed from the 1960s to the 1980s!
It is the roller coaster of emotions when you, the listener remembers or imagines what each song meant to you when it was new and how hearing it again is like welcoming back an old friend!
This is The New Heartlites Radio!
Two "Master Minds" put this wonderful station together for us listeners- Thank you Chief and Chuck Rock-n-Roll Martin - Leonard Harrison.